There are 65 Evidence Summaries available

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# Declarative Title Published
1 Doctor, I have atrial fibrillation and just had a stroke.  How soon can I be started on a blood thinner to protect me from another stroke?
Patient Summary
2 Doctor, I am 83 years old and have been taking warfarin for atrial fibrillation. Would switching to a newer blood thinner reduce my risk of bleeding?
Patient Summary
3 Doctor, I finished 3 months of blood thinners after a blood clot caused by birth control pills. What is my risk of another blood clot if I stop birth control pills and my blood thinner now?
Patient Summary Top10 (#3)
4 Doctor, I have a blood clot due to cancer. Can I take a lower dose of apixaban after 6 months of treatment with the full dose?
Patient Summary Top10 (#2)
5 Doctor, I am overweight and I have atrial fibrillation. Is it safe for me to take one of the newer blood thinners instead of warfarin to prevent stroke?
Patient Summary Top10 (#2)
6 Doctor, should I wear compression stockings as well as take blood thinners to prevent blood clots after surgery?
Patient Summary
7 Doctor, do the newer blood thinners work for children and adolescents and are they safe?
Patient Summary Top10 (#2)
8 Doctor, I have an inherited blood clotting disorder and recurrent miscarriages. Will heparin injections prevent miscarriage of my next pregnancy?
Patient Summary Top10 (#2)
9 Doctor, I have cancer and a DVT or PE. Are the newer blood thinner pills as safe for me as the older injectable, heparin-based ones?
Patient Summary Top10 (#2)
10 Doctor, I have an arm or leg fracture, and require surgery. Will taking aspirin protect me from having a blood clot?
Patient Summary Top10 (#2)
11 Doctor, I have been on Xarelto® for treatment of a blood clot in my calf veins. Can I stop taking it after 6 weeks?
Patient Summary Top10 (#3)
12 Doctor, what is my risk of having another DVT or PE compared to my risk of bleeding, if I stay on blood thinners longer than 3 months or if I stop?
Patient Summary Top10 (#3)
13 Doctor, I am pregnant and had a blood clot in the past. Is a low dose of an injectable blood thinner enough to protect me from another blood clot?
Patient Summary Top10 (#2)
14 Doctor, I have inherited a clotting disorder. Does infection with COVID increase my risk of developing a blood clot? 
Patient Summary
15 Doctor, I take warfarin for atrial fibrillation or a mechanical heart valve and have to stop it before a procedure. Do I need to inject myself with blood thinner medication after the procedure?
Patient Summary Top10 (#2)
16 Doctor, I have atrial fibrillation and mitral stenosis, can I take Xarelto instead of warfarin to protect me from stroke?
Patient Summary Top10 (#2)
17 Doctor, I am taking an anticoagulant and just had a cardiac stent inserted. How long do I need to take three blood thinners?
Patient Summary Top10 (#2)
18 Doctor, I am pregnant and worried I have a blood clot, but I am also concerned about having a CT scan. What other tests can be done?
Patient Summary
19 Doctor, does the AstraZeneca (ChAdOX1) or Pfizer (BNT162b2) vaccine against COVID-19 increase the risk of blood clots?
Patient Summary Top10 (#5)
20 Doctor, I was diagnosed with a blood clot in my lungs over a year ago. Is it normal to still have anxiety about it now?
Patient Summary Top10 (#4)
21 Doctor, I have been diagnosed with COVID-19 infection and will be recovering at home. Should I take an anticoagulant or aspirin to prevent blood clots?
Patient Summary Top10 (#2)
22 Doctor, I am over 75 years old and have a DVT or PE. Is it safe for me to take one of the newer anticoagulants?
Patient Summary Top10 (#2)
23 Doctor, I am having hip or knee replacement surgery. Can I take an aspirin to protect myself from blood clots after surgery?
Patient Summary Top10 (#2)
24 Doctor, I am having surgery to remove cancer in my uterus, ovaries, cervix, or vulva. Can I take an anticoagulant pill instead of a needle to protect me from blood clots?
Patient Summary Top10 (#2)
25 Doctor, I have a history of blood clots. Is it safe for me to receive a vaccine for COVID?
Patient Summary
26 Doctor, I have atrial fibrillation and a bioprosthetic mitral valve, can I use Xarelto® to protect me from stroke?
Patient Summary Top10 (#2)
27 How many people in Canada are diagnosed with DVT or PE each year?
Patient Summary
28 Doctor, can I take Eliquis® to treat my blood clot caused by cancer?
Patient Summary Top10 (#2)
29 Doctor, I take Xarelto or Eliquis or Pradaxa for atrial fibrillation. What is the risk of stopping it before my procedure?
Patient Summary Top10 (#2)
30 Doctor, I take warfarin for atrial fibrillation but I have to stop it before my upcoming surgical procedure. Do I need to inject myself with needles while I am off of warfarin? (BRIDGE Study)
Patient Summary Top10 (#2)
31 Doctor, I heard that COVID-19 causes blood clots. I have a history of DVT or PE, what do I need to know to protect myself?
Patient Summary
32 Doctor, I am healthy and over the age of 70, should I take aspirin to prevent death, dementia, and physical disability?
Patient Summary
33 Doctor, I have a blood clotting disorder that runs in my family. Do I need an anticoagulant during pregnancy?
Patient Summary Top10 (#2)
34 Doctor, I am pregnant. Can I be tested for blood clots without having a CT scan?  
Patient Summary
35 Doctor, I have clot in my lungs. Do I need a clot-buster?
Patient Summary
36 Doctor, I have post-thrombotic syndrome. Do I have to wear a compression stocking?
Patient Summary Top10 (#1)
37 Doctor, I am at risk of blood clots travelling to my lungs. Should I agree to insertion of a filter to protect me?
Patient Summary
38 Doctor, I am over the age of 75 and have atrial fibrillation. Which anticoagulant should I take to prevent stroke?
Patient Summary Top10 (#2)
39 Doctor, I have heart disease. What is the best medication to prevent future heart attacks and strokes: aspirin, a low dose of Xarelto®, or both taken together? 
Patient Summary Top10 (#2)
40 Doctor, can I take Xarelto® instead of warfarin to treat my blood clot caused by triple-positive antiphospholipid antibody syndrome?
Patient Summary Top10 (#10)
41 Doctor, should I take anticoagulants to prevent blood clots while I am receiving chemotherapy?
Patient Summary Top10 (#2)
42 Doctor, should I take anticoagulants to prevent blood clots after being discharged from hospital?
Patient Summary Top10 (#2)
43 Doctor, I have finished 6 months of treatment for my blood clot. Can I start taking a reduced-dose of anticoagulant now?  
Patient Summary Top10 (#3)
44 Does breaking up blood clots in leg veins faster with clot-busters or mechanical devices reduce the chance of long-term complications?
Patient Summary Top10 (#1)
45 Doctor, can I take Lixiana® to treat my blood clot caused by cancer?
Patient Summary Top10 (#2)
46 Doctor, I have heard that cancer can cause blood clots. What tests should I have done to check if I have cancer?
Patient Summary
47 Doctor, should I take anticoagulants to prevent blood clots after arthroscopic knee surgery or if I have a cast on my leg?
Patient Summary Top10 (#2)
48 Doctor, I have finished 6 months of anticoagulant treatment for my unexplained blood clot. Is it safe for me to stop taking it now?
Patient Summary Top10 (#3)
49 Doctor, I have finished 6 months of Xarelto® for my blood clot. Can I switch to aspirin now?
Patient Summary Top10 (#3)
50 Doctor, do I have to stop taking birth control pills because I have a blood clot?
Patient Summary
51 In patients with cancer-associated VTE who received anticoagulant therapy for a minimum of 3 months, case-fatality of recurrent VTE is higher than case-fatality of major bleeding
GP Summary
52 Edoxaban did not differ from dalteparin for treatment of cancer-associated venous thromboembolism
GP Summary
53 In patients with an acute proximal deep vein thrombosis, pharmacomechanical catheter-directed thrombolysis does not reduce the rate of post-thrombotic syndrome
GP Summary
54 Women with a first unprovoked venous thromboembolism with a HERDOO2 score of 0 or 1 can safely discontinue anticoagulation after 5 to 12 months of treatment
GP Summary
55 Celecoxib plus a proton-pump inhibitor has a lower risk of recurrent upper gastrointestinal bleeding than naproxen plus a proton-pump inhibitor in patients who require aspirin for cardiovascular disease
GP Summary
56 Comparison of risk of pulmonary embolism and arterial thromboembolism with oral contraceptives according to dose and type of estrogen-progestin
GP Summary
57 The 4Ts scoring system may reduce the need for laboratory testing for heparin-induced thrombocytopenia in low-risk children
GP Summary
58 Anticoagulation does not reduce the risk of venous thromboembolism after knee arthroscopy or casting of the lower leg in patients who are at average risk
GP Summary
59 Rivaroxaban reduced recurrent venous thromboembolism, with a similar risk of bleeding, compared with aspirin
GP Summary
60 After a first diagnosis of unprovoked venous thrombosis, adding a CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis to standard cancer screening did not improve cancer detection
GP Summary
61 Hormone therapy does not increase risk of recurrent venous thromboembolism in women who are on full-dose anticoagulation
GP Summary
62 Direct oral anticoagulants reduce the risk of dying from bleeding compared with vitamin K antagonists in patients with atrial fibrillation or venous thromboembolism
GP Summary
63 Flight stockings decrease symptomless deep vein thrombosis in airline passengers on long flights
GP Summary
64 Low-dose aspirin prevents myocardial infarction and stroke and increases bleeding in people without known cardiovascular disease
GP Summary
65 Low-molecular weight heparin reduces venous thromboembolism in people with cancer who are undergoing outpatient chemotherapy
GP Summary